Friday, April 29, 2016

Easy ESL Modifications Part 2!

If you're not following me on twitter (which you should be, it's my favorite social media platform for teacher ideas!), you may have missed my most recent #ESLtipOfTheDay posts. Here's are some of the most recent ones:

You are welcome to use these however you like: print them out, email them, make them into a presentation, the sky's the limit! The most common complaint I get from elementary classroom teachers is that there just isn't enough time in the day to modify every assignment for their ELs. These are five minute (or less!) modifications that can become a part of any classroom routine. Classroom teachers already have enough to do without spending hours painstakingly adapting every assignment, so I started coming up with these simple strategies to share.

What would you add? How do you modify instruction for ELLs in simple ways?

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